Monday, August 26, 2013

Introduction to Sid

Sid is a Lhasa Apso dog I found on PetFinder. I started working for Pets for Vets GA and it didn't take long to get my first Veteran match after I was accepted as a trainer. That's a long story in itself, and this blog is about Sid - so let's talk about Sid!

I first met Sid about 1400 hrs on Friday, 23 Aug. I performed a sociability test with him and he passed with flying colors. The only thing I thought was a bit odd was he was just so darn cute and why hadn't someone picked him up yet?

After some paperwork, I put Sid in my car and took him home. His first reaction was to make a deposit on my living room carpet. Of course, this is an easily correctable behaviour and I'm glad to say that as of today, Sid has been accident free for more than 24 hours! He's a very smart dog.

I took a few pictures of Sid and sent them to my veteran - I'll call her D. D was very excited because it was her birthday! :-) I was praying diligently that God would provide this dog for her before the end of her birthday on Friday - and thank God (and Praise God) for this answered prayer!

Sid also ate like food was going out of style. I weighed him and he's a healthy 15 lbs. Just perfect size. Sid slept with us in the bed Fri night (after he had a bath) and had accident number two in the middle of the night. No problem for me, we got that fixed and I am sure it was a simple adjustment to the new food.

We went to visit my grandchildren on Sat - three boys 5, 3 and 8 months. Sid was not too excited about the boys - but they were really excited to play with him! Sid is a very calm dog and likes to be with me and Pam - and I'm sure if he had his way, he'd be fine without Pam. (but not me... ) Sid will work out very well for D and will be very loyal to her and her 11 yr old son.

On Sunday, we went to church and Sid stayed home. We went out after church for brunch with some friends and when we got back, I'm happy to report the house was still clean the way we left it and Sid was very excited to see us! We all went out in the back yard and Sid was happy, happy, happy. Our adult friends loved him and he didn't mind at all they wanted to hold him and cuddle with him. Although Sid was clean, he has been itching a lot... I'm not sure why yet, so I bought him some coconut bath soap (specifically for dogs to relieve itching) and Sid had another bath - (actually, he goes in the shower with me) and I hope this will help stop the itching.

Today is Monday and here is a picture of Sid enjoying a chewy snack (he already ate dinner at a much more sustainable pace).
I'll try to update this blog everyday - and post a picture 2-3 times a week. I hope you enjoy reading about Sid. Sid is still itching a bit and I have done some research - plan B coming up soon. I'll keep you posted.


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