Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Last Day with Sid

Today is our last day with Sid. Some might think that I would be sad, but on the contrary, I couldn't be more happy and excited to deliver Sid to D this evening. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have had Sid for the past 3 weeks and I hope I've been able to teach him a few things that will make life for D just a little bit better. Sid is a GREAT dog and I believe he will be perfect for D and I look forward to hearing her stories with Sid in the coming weeks.

Goodbye Sid - Be a good dog as I know you are and my prayer is that you will be a blessing to everyone you meet - especially D.

Good Boy Sid!


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Full Sid review

Sorry - I certainly meant to post more.

Pam and I have another weekend without Sid. Here are the things Sid is doing VERY well.

He can SIT, STAY, Lay-down, COME, doesn't PEE or POO in the house anymore, is a great sentinel (will alert and bark at strange noises) Walks like a champ, HEEL, will stay in the yard without a leash, will jump up in your lap on command (UP), won't make a mess when he eats (will pick it up) and I'm sure there is more...

Here are the things I've been working on:

Sit and stay automatically when he comes inside until you check his feet. This was a neat trick I've had all my other dogs do, but it takes time. Sid will sit and stay on the door mat if you tell him too, but will go charging in if you don't say anything... :-)

Also - the sit and stay thing works for praying before meals - the problem is Pam and I have not had too many sit down type dinners together to get this as "standard behaviour" Sid will again sit and stay, but he won't necessarily know that when you are done praying (AMEN) he hears it fine, but has not quite figured out that it means he can go (he expects OK, COME ON Sid) - like when exiting the mat after coming in.

The other thing I wanted to do with Sid is alert to go outside. He doesn't give me any indication he WANTS to go out. (or HAS to go out) He is extremely comfortable staying inside and I think he would stay inside forever if he could... he does have incredible "staying power" to hold both PEE and POO for hours and hours. When I work from home, I'm on the computer for some extended periods and Sid will not bother me at all - he will either play with his own toys, eat, stay on alert (lay and look at the door) or lay in a corner or under my desk to sleep. He is GREAT like that!

Sid loves when he's held and when you talk to him. He tries very hard to understand everything you say. He does understand if you ask him if he wants to go outside - he will get "excited" and will follow me closely as I get my shoes, water, leash etc... then, just before going out the door, he knows he has to SIT before we go out as we put the leash on - he does have to be told on occasion - but will sometimes do it on his own.

He likes steak chunks for treats better than chicken. I haven't tried bacon yet. He's not too excited like you would think to get a treat - he certainly does like the steak, but will be extremely gentle as he takes it. It's just part of his very submissive attitude. He will NOT get upset with you even if you approach him will he is eating, drinking, or under the bed (he likes to go there in the morning as we are getting ready for work, but will come out if you call him (might have to ask a few times). The only time Sid has ever nipped at me was on evening in bed, he was licking himself for (in my humble opinion - too long) and I used my foot (he was at the end of the bed) to move his face away and thry to encourage him to just lay down - and he apparently didn't like that.. :-) - he just lightly nipped at my toes.

Sid definitely doesn't like "little" kids - he won't bite, but it's easy to tell he's not keen on them. He gets along very will with anyone 4 ft or larger... :-) - I'm confident he will not have ANY issue with D-s son. 2 of my grandchildren (ages 3 and 10 mo) came over for lunch yesterday and Sid spent most of the time under the desk as I tended to the children. at one point, we were at the table eating, Sid came out and gently tried to pick up and take one of the kids toys under the desk with him (presumably to chew it up) and I caught him... one simple "No Sir" and he dropped it, looked at me, and went back under the desk to lay-down.

Oh - Sid also likes small rawhide sticks - he will sit with one for an hour and eventually chew it up completely. if he gets distracted, he will try to "bury" it. It's the cutest thing to watch him try to find a spot to hide it... :-)

Sid is very friendly with other dogs and will bark at "strangers" at first glance. If I tell him "It's OK Sid" he will stop, remain on alert and let the stranger approach. A couple light strokes and petting will put him at easy. In crowds, he's fine and will simply stay with me or Pam. Even while walking the neighborhood, Sid will not try to go to another dog - he will alert, but if you tell him to "HEEL" he will keep walking and will not walk in front of you. Every once in a while, Sid will try to walk ahead while walking, but will HEEL on first command every time and move directly to the side without ANY correction on the leash - he's really a champ while walking. He will sit when you stop to cross the street - for this, he needs an occasional reminder to sit.

Sid is just about ready to go - I'm looking forward to speaking with D about this day.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pam and I worked the weekend at Atlanta Motor Speedway parking cars. We knew it would be a couple long days, so Sid went to stay with a friend who had two other dogs in her home for the weekend. Sid gets along great with other dogs and I'm sure Sid was very happy to be with them. We picked up Sid on Monday morning and he was excited to see both of us! He is am extremely loyal dog and will make a very good companion for D. Sid's training is going great. He knows all the Canine Good Citizen tricks and we have even taught him a few other neat things. He eats very well and doesn't make a mess. If he does, you simply tell him "No mess Sid" and he will pick up any pieces of kibble outside of his dish. He is getting better at praying before meals - doesn't have that one down pat yet, but I'm sure he will very soon. He loves to cuddle and will jump in your lap when you call him (and rarely if you don't). He well understands the word "no" and will stop doing what he is doing when he hears it. "Good boy, Sid" is the clicker phrase that makes him wag his tail in satisfaction knowing he did a good job.

I tried chicken treats which Sid only liked with moderate appreciation. We had NY Strip steaks the other night and have switched to meat chunks which he really likes and responds too much better.

Sid had a very good day today and will be ready for D very soon!
